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So far Boss has created 202 blog entries.

MINT: Mental Health In Non-Formal Education And Training

Since Autumn 2018, AEGEE / European Students’ Forum has been raising awareness on the topic of Mental Health within the organization. In Autumn 2019, thanks to the support of the European Youth Foundation (Council of Europe), AEGEE launched a project titled MINT: Mental health In Non-formal education and Training. This project includes a live meeting (February 2020, Brussels) and an 8-day long training event (April 2020). The training event will be hosted by and organized in cooperation with AEGEE-Tartu (Estonia). During this training event 16 participants will learn about Mental Health and how to apply this in their trainings. These [...]

MINT: Mental Health In Non-Formal Education And Training2020-07-29T17:14:02+02:00

Sustainability Manifesto

Sustainability Manifesto We, the people of AEGEE, meeting at the Autumn Agora Salerno 2019, hereby declare: We ACKNOWLEDGE that we have a moral and social responsibility to make Europe and the world a better place for current and future generations. We UNDERSTAND that Sustainable Development aims to meet the needs of present generations without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We face challenges in all three pillars of Sustainable Development: Environmental - the ongoing pollution of our home, habitat destruction for millions of species, and the refusal to acknowledge planetary boundaries, leading to both a [...]

Sustainability Manifesto2020-07-29T17:24:24+02:00

AEGEE Has Joined The Generation Climate Europe (GCE) Coalition!

In September 2019, AEGEE has joined Generation Climate Europe (GCE) as one of the founder organisations! GCE is a coalition of five European youth organisations advocating for stronger climate change policies and including the voice of young people in climate-change policy-making. Click here to check out the website!

AEGEE Has Joined The Generation Climate Europe (GCE) Coalition!2019-11-19T13:23:06+01:00

Key to Europe 2018-2019

Key to Europe 2018-2019 is now online! What is Key to Europe? Key to Europe is the annual publication (yearbook) of AEGEE-Europe, with all the news and achievements of the year! If you want to know more about our projects, where are our events happening and what is happening there or what are our locals achieving, you can check out this year's edition here!

Key to Europe 2018-20192019-11-14T18:49:01+01:00

My Europe My Say Final Conference

After a little more than a year working on engaging, informing and empowering young people to take action and participate in the European Parliament elections in May 2019, now we are ready to build a better Europe and look back on the fruitful partnership AEGEE-Europe has been having with the World Organisation of the Scouts Movement! As the final step of this great project, we are organising the final conference of our My Europe My Say on the 4th of December! This one-day conference will be in the European Parliament and will be hosted by Member of the European Parliament, MEP Niklas Nienaß (Greens/EFA). The [...]

My Europe My Say Final Conference2019-11-14T15:03:20+01:00

SMASH Final Conference

As the final step of our project SMASH (⁣Structural Measures Against Sexual Harassment), we will organise the final conference of SMASH in the European Parliament on the 5th of December! During the conference, we will go through the lessons learnt during the project and present the guidelines developed as an outcome of it. In the first part, there will also be a presentation of the trainer’s toolbox that has been created, with which any organisation can train their own safe persons. Moreover, one of the Safe Persons will share their first-hand experience of tackling harassment in youth work. After this, a panel [...]

SMASH Final Conference2019-11-14T14:52:50+01:00

POLITICO’s EU Studies and Career Fair

POLITICO’s EU Studies & Career Fair is the annual meeting place bringing together the world’s best universities and organizations with top international students and young professionals looking for a future in EU affairs, International Relations, Political Sciences, Business, Economics, Public Policy, Public Affairs and Law. Starting on Thursday afternoon, the Fair features an open-door digital experience. The agenda offers a variety of interactive sessions including seminars, workshops, one-to-one meetings and a jam-packed program of online activities dedicated to empowering tomorrow’s European leaders. You can find more information here

POLITICO’s EU Studies and Career Fair2020-10-30T15:22:05+01:00

Erasmus Student Network

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. ESN's mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students. AEGEE and ESN have always shared many goals and objectives. In the last years, the collaboration has been strengthened substantially by improving the collaboration on the EU level and supporting each others’ projects.

Erasmus Student Network2020-07-29T17:40:43+02:00

Hostelling International

Hostelling International (HI) is a global membership organization, with a network of nearly 4000 hostels represented by 65 National Associations. As a non-profit organization, Hostelling International works with its 3.7 million youth members to promote a greater understanding of people, places and cultures through peace education, environmental awareness and global inclusivity.

Hostelling International2020-07-29T17:41:03+02:00

Joint declaration AEGEE-Europe, AAFB, LEAP2040 – From European Elections 2019 to Europe 2040: Making sure Europe’s nascent democracy serves the interests of the next generations

(To the attention of our political & civil society leaders) The 2019 European Elections enter into history as the first signal of ownership of the European project by citizens. The stop to falling turnout proves that the European election will no longer be a second-class vote. The presence of three trans-European parties in the campaign testifies that more Europeans understand that some issues are trans-border. The centrality of environmental concerns in the campaign, indicated by green parties’ high results and the importance of this question in every party agenda, shows that for a significant number of Europeans, this kind of [...]

Joint declaration AEGEE-Europe, AAFB, LEAP2040 – From European Elections 2019 to Europe 2040: Making sure Europe’s nascent democracy serves the interests of the next generations2020-07-29T17:24:51+02:00
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