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So far Boss has created 202 blog entries.

a&o hostels

a&o is the largest hostel chain in Europe. A new take on the famed accommodation has created a perfect environment for both short and long-term relocations for students and young professionals. Stay with like-minded people as part of AEGEE’s membership, with a 10% discount on all our locations, including Europe’s top cities Amsterdam, Berlin & Venice. Use the code "AEGEE2019" for your personal reservations and contact communications@aegee.eu if you go with a big group.

a&o hostels2019-05-20T18:17:32+02:00

YEP 2.0 – Why European Parliament 2.0

Due to the success of YEP, AEGEE- Europe has decided to continue the work and create “Why European Parliament 2.0. – YEP 2.0.” in the frame of the upcoming European Parliament election, on May 23-26th.  Gender equality, sustainably, paid internships, safe traveling or youth employment: the European Parliament has an important play in our daily life. With YEP 2.0., we aim to encourage young people to vote and be a part of the European discussions. Our objectives are to: Inform about the European Parliament as an institution and the upcoming election. Educate about the importance of European citizenship, the democratic [...]

YEP 2.0 – Why European Parliament 2.02019-04-02T15:46:30+02:00

Inclusive Mobility Alliance – Press Release

  Press Release Inclusive Mobility Alliance puts forth recommendations for a more inclusive Erasmus programme   The Inclusive Mobility Alliance has been officially launched on the 22nd of January 2019 at the European Parliament. Gathering more than 20 organisations with expertise in Disability, Youth and Higher Education, the Alliance aims at making Erasmus+ more inclusive. Students and young people taking part in Erasmus+ mobilities represent respectively approx. 0.17% and 2.8% of all beneficiaries. These low figures have been stagnating for the past 10 years and are the main reasons behind the creation of the Inclusive Mobility Alliance. Based on the United Nation Convention on the [...]

Inclusive Mobility Alliance – Press Release2020-07-29T17:33:26+02:00

SMASH – Structural Measures Against Sexual Harassment

Starting from Autumn 2017, AEGEE / European Students’ Forum has been raising awareness and tackling the problem of sexual harassment and consent inside our organisation. In 2019, and thanks to the support of the European Youth Foundation (Council of Europe), AEGEE is launching a project titled S.M.A.S.H.: Structural Measures Against Sexual Harassment. During this project, AEGEE will be able to further increase its expertise and enlarge the pool of members who are trained to prevent, detect and react to cases of sexual harassment (named Safe Persons). The aim of SMASH is to create a sustainable system to prevent and tackle [...]

SMASH – Structural Measures Against Sexual Harassment2020-07-29T17:14:42+02:00

My Europe, My Say! Putting young people at the heart of the debate

My Europe, My Say is a European project, implemented by a consortium led by the World Organisation of the Scout Movement- Bureau Européen du Scoutisme (WOSM). The consortium includes AEGEE-Europe and 48 independent youth organisations members of these two networks across Europe, and covers 30 countries. You can check the website of the project here. The project encompasses various aspects, all the way from capacity building tracks to large scale youth exchange events to interactive spaces of dialogue between young people and decision makers. My Europe, My Say will be: Strengthening the capacities of youth organisations to offer activities which [...]

My Europe, My Say! Putting young people at the heart of the debate2020-07-29T17:41:19+02:00

Why European Parliament – The results

The European Parliament and other institutions within the European Union are important, but for many not easy to understand. In our efforts to reach and educate young people about the functioning of the European Parliament, we have reached over 20.000 people monthly, and increased knowledge on the European Parliament and the elections in 2019 significantly. […]

Why European Parliament – The results2019-11-14T15:13:53+01:00

Position paper on Intersectionality and Policy-making

Intersectionality and Policy-making  For an intersectional approach to youth policy and anti-discrimination law  Written by Juliette Beaulaton Introduction  AEGEE (Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe/European Students’ Forum) was created in 1985 with the vision of creating a unified Europe, based on democracy and a respect for human rights, by bringing together students with different cultural backgrounds. Today, AEGEE / European Students’ Forum is a non-governmental, politically independent, and non-profit student organization, which has around 13,000 members from 160 cities and 40 countries all over Europe. We strive for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe, which is socially, economically [...]

Position paper on Intersectionality and Policy-making2018-10-25T15:30:48+02:00

Y Vote

Y Vote is a European-wide campaign designed to encourage young people in Europe to make informed choices at the European Parliament elections. To become active cititzens, youngsters need to receive better information regarding the European elections, European institutions and the European Union in general. Therefore, conventions and local actions are organised in the year before the elections. A voting guide is developed to help voters find out how to vote in their country as well as from abroad. The project was launched for the European elections in 2009, in the forerun to the 2014 elections, [...]

Y Vote2019-03-20T08:20:15+01:00
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