Sustainability Manifesto
Sustainability Manifesto We, the people of AEGEE, meeting at the Autumn Agora Salerno 2019, hereby declare: We ACKNOWLEDGE that we have a moral and social responsibility to make Europe and the world a better place for current and future generations. We UNDERSTAND that Sustainable Development aims to meet the needs of present generations without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We face challenges in all three pillars of Sustainable Development: Environmental - the ongoing pollution of our home, habitat destruction for millions of species, and the refusal to acknowledge planetary boundaries, leading to both a [...]
AEGEE Has Joined The Generation Climate Europe (GCE) Coalition!
In September 2019, AEGEE has joined Generation Climate Europe (GCE) as one of the founder organisations! GCE is a coalition of five European youth organisations advocating for stronger climate change policies and including the voice of young people in climate-change policy-making. Click here to check out the website!
Key to Europe 2018-2019
Key to Europe 2018-2019 is now online! What is Key to Europe? Key to Europe is the annual publication (yearbook) of AEGEE-Europe, with all the news and achievements of the year! If you want to know more about our projects, where are our events happening and what is happening there or what are our locals achieving, you can check out this year's edition here!
My Europe My Say Final Conference
After a little more than a year working on engaging, informing and empowering young people to take action and participate in the European Parliament elections in May 2019, now we are ready to build a better Europe and look back on the fruitful partnership AEGEE-Europe has been having with the World Organisation of the Scouts Movement! As the final step of this great project, we are organising the final conference of our My Europe My Say on the 4th of December! This one-day conference will be in the European Parliament and will be hosted by Member of the European Parliament, MEP Niklas Nienaß (Greens/EFA). The [...]
SMASH Final Conference
As the final step of our project SMASH (Structural Measures Against Sexual Harassment), we will organise the final conference of SMASH in the European Parliament on the 5th of December! During the conference, we will go through the lessons learnt during the project and present the guidelines developed as an outcome of it. In the first part, there will also be a presentation of the trainer’s toolbox that has been created, with which any organisation can train their own safe persons. Moreover, one of the Safe Persons will share their first-hand experience of tackling harassment in youth work. After this, a panel [...]
YEP 2.0 – Why European Parliament 2.0
Due to the success of YEP, AEGEE- Europe has decided to continue the work and create “Why European Parliament 2.0. – YEP 2.0.” in the frame of the upcoming European Parliament election, on May 23-26th. Gender equality, sustainably, paid internships, safe traveling or youth employment: the European Parliament has an important play in our daily life. With YEP 2.0., we aim to encourage young people to vote and be a part of the European discussions. Our objectives are to: Inform about the European Parliament as an institution and the upcoming election. Educate about the importance of European citizenship, the democratic [...]
Do you think that in your youth organisation all genders are not treated equally? Do you want to learn how to make your activities and structures more gender friendly? Do you want to empower people from all genders within your organisation? But you don’t know how to do it? Then the GENDERS project is for you! “GENDERS - Platform for the Certification of Gender-Friendly Organisations in Youth Working” aims at favouring the gender mainstreaming approach within youth organisations. Gender mainstreaming is a strategy for making the concerns and experiences of women as well as of men an integral part of [...]
Diversity in youth organisations? – AEGEE, JEF and ESN take action
Do you think youth organisations like AEGEE represent all young people? Do you think all young people have a chance to participate in youth organisations? It is true that youth organisations are more accessible to certain groups of young people. But they are also working hard on new ways to engage all young people in their activities! JEF Europe, AEGEE-Europe and Erasmus Student Network has come together in late 2016 to discuss the issue of diversity and how to include young people from various backgrounds in their activities. Being the biggest youth organisations on the field representing hundreds of thousands [...]
AEGEE launches “Why European Parliament”
AEGEE-Europe launches a new online and offline campaign: YEP. YEP stands for Why European Parliament and aims at informing young people about the European Parliament as an institution, the democratic concept for which it stands, its functioning and competences. Besides, it aims at exposing its relevance in the daily life of young people, encouraging them to take an active role in it. The focusses of the project are, first of all, to train a pool of young multipliers on the above-mentioned objectives. These will afterwards form an informal network that will carry out numerous local and regional actions oriented at [...]
AEGEE supports the Istanbul Convention
On 15 February and 22 February, Bulgaria and Slovakia opposed the ratification of the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. While the European Union signed The Istanbul Convention on 13 June 2017, a number of EU countries have yet to ratify it. In the last few weeks, Bulgarian PM Boyko Borissov withdrew from parliament a motion to ratify the Istanbul Convention and Slovak PM Robert Fico said he refused to ratify the treaty. As the world’s first binding instrument to prevent and combat violence against women, from marital rape to female genital mutilation, the [...]