Outcome of World Youth Conference Sri Lanka
AEGEE-Europe was present in the World Youth Conference in Sri Lanka, with the participation of our Liaison Officer towards the European Youth Forum, Marko Grdosic, and liaison officer towards United Nations, Laia Garcia working on young people's involvement and participation in the post 2015 MDG process of the UN. During the 1 week conference, representatives from all the Governments in the world (both Government Official from each of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and youth representatives from each of the National Youth Councils) together with international youth prepresentatives from the biggest International Youth Networks in the world, met and dived [...]
How AEGEE is helping at the Turkey mining tragedy and the Balkan floods.
In the past days, two different tragedies have shaken our continent with too little impact on the news in many of the EU countries, which are focused into their national problems, the European Parliament elections, and in some superficial events such as the end of the football championships. In Turkey, 300 people died trapped in a mine in Soma, in the worst accident in a mine in the region in the last decades. The mourning for the victims has been mixed with outrage for the feeling that this accident could have been prevented. (1) In the Balkan peninsula, [...]
Spanish Electoral Board forbids the EU to promote voting in Spain.
On a resolution issued on the 20th of March, the Spanish Electoral Board (administrative organ that veils for the neutrality of the elections) banned the possibility of a direct encouragement of Spanish citizens to vote by any public. Concretely, it forbids the public powers to use images of people voting, urns or slogans urging to participate in the election process. AEGEE believes that such an interpretation of the law does not follow the democratic values, since one of the pillars of a democratic society is participation in the election of their representatives, and the right to vote should be encouraged [...]
AEGEE-Europe Regrets the Referendum in Crimea
On March 16, 2014, upon the prior decision of the National Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the referendum was held on the future status of the territory of Ukraine and possible succession of Crimean Autonomous Republic to the Russian Federation. We consider this referendum as illegal and illegitimate and contradicting first of all to the Constitution of Ukraine. Though the right of self-determination exists (UN Charter, Article 1), the situation is more complex in the peninsula as Crimea is voting to be not only independent but for joining the Russian Federation. Secondly, such referenda should be agreed upon [...]
AEGEE Promotional Materials Design Contest
AEGEE-Europe issues an international Design Contest to provide designs of the official AEGEE Promotional Materials. Concept: Contest is for a set of 4 different promotional materials which should have visual connection between each other. Such a promotional materials will be to promote AEGEE across the Europe. Format of designs: Poster – A2 size, colour 4/0 Leaflet – A4 size, double folded, colour 4/4 Flyer – A6 size, colour 4/4 Flyer – A6 size, colour 1/1 Design Guidelines Design must respect AEGEE Visual Identity, custom design elements are allowed and welcome Designs should be computer generated preferably in vector art form or [...]
Event Invitation: Conference on Networking among Youth Workers – road to greater Recognition of Youth Work at European level
Considering this, some visibility events in five EU participatory countries of the project have been organized to give an answer to its goals, to create this tool properly according to the needs of the youth workers and to enhance the advocacy process inherent to the needs of the field/project. Networking among Youth Workers - road to greater Recognition at European level Therefore this event pretend to present to present the project and its tools, to share the European priorities for Youth Work – Recognition and certification of Skills and Competences through different current projects/ processes on EU level, [...]
Call for National Stakeholders of the Pan-European Database “Certification of the Qualifications of the Youth Workers”
This pan-European database is one of the outcomes of this project. It aims to the development of a database and network consisting of contact details and basic information about youth Stakeholders throughout Europe. As well as youth workers so as to meet the demand and supply of work in all participating countries and beyond and to allow youth workers to find employment or volunteer work in case of a need to do so. Using this network and database as a trampoline it will enable the organizations in the future to work on advocacy for the recognition of qualification of youth [...]
Spanish students force their Government to revert ERASMUS cuts
An earthquake shook during last week the Spanish society, when the ministry of Education published in the Spanish official Bulletin (BOE) the ministerial decision of cutting back the national support to the ERASMUS students from the current year on, except on the cases they had received a ministerial grant on the previous year. This measure meant that most of the students (around 30.000) already at their foreign European universities would be affected, finding themselves with a smaller economical support than the one it was agreed when they accepted their destination. This in most cases would imply the need to cancel [...]
Erasmus Voting Assessment: Did Erasmus make you feel more European?
This new project aims at answering fundamental questions concerning active citizenship and participation in democratic processes of young students, in particular ERASMUS students. Through an in-depth survey, the project will measure the feeling of “being European” among young students and, furthermore, assess any possible existing links between “being ERASMUS student” and level of engagement in the European society. In addition, this project aims to investigate the voting intentions and behaviour of Erasmus and university students, across Europe, in the European Parliament’s elections. AEGEE-Europe/European Students’ Forum, The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and Generation Europe Foundation partnered up and launched this new project, [...]
Wilfried Martens passed away
AEGEE-Europe would like to pay tribute to one of it's former patrons, Wilfried Martens, who passed away this night at the age of 77. Wilfried Martens was Prime Minister of Belgium for more then a decade, striving for its unity, but at the same time he was a passionate European. He is among the founding members of the European People's Party (EPP) and served as its President since 1992. As such, he has pushed the federalist debate and guided the party through a series of challenges such as the integration of the Eastern and Central European political parties after 1990. [...]